aaPanel (pagoda panel international version) panel product features

更新时间:2022-08-16  浏览次数:32172次

The aaPanel panel has a one-click integration function, which can integrate more configuration modifications of the website into the same level, and can switch management and use with one click.
Pseudo-static: Integrate the pseudo-static rules of common open source programs for your convenience.
301: The entire site 301 or the independent domain name 301 can be used.
SSL: Get a free Let's Encrypt certificate automatically, or set up another certificate
Subdirectory: It is convenient to set domain name binding subdirectory.
Tomcat: Support one-click to start Tomcat.
Regular backups: Scheduled tasks can quickly create regular backups.
Reverse Proxy: Very handy URL reverse proxy setup.
PHP switch: One-click switch PHP version, support extension installation and uninstallation.

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