Domain Sale Transaction Rules

更新时间:2021-01-21  浏览次数:43191次

I. What is the shop service fee?
In order to ensure transaction authenticity, as well as the rights and interests of buyers, the first time to activate shop free of charge, after shop closed, you will need to pay a $100 shop service fee to activate again, the fee once deducted, non-refundable.

II. The commission
1. If the domain name is sold successfully, we charge 6% commission according to the sale price. (Minimum $0.6, if it is less than $0.6, it will be charged as $0.6)

2. If the domain name sale fails, we do not charge seller’s commission. Seller can list the domain name again.

3. After domain successfully sold, sale amount will be transferred into seller's accoun.

III. Domain name sale processes
Seller lists domain name to be sold --> Buyer pays to buy --> System automatically transferred domain to buyer's account --> Transaction completed (Seller receives sale amount).

IV. Attentions
1. Once domain name is sold, it cannot be reversed.

2. 上海昀祎网络科技有限责任公司 does not assume all economic and legal responsibility caused by the sale of domain names, buyers and sellers bear responsibility.

上一篇: 没有了
下一篇: How to bulk transfer?

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